Where cartoons go to die.




Joined on 4/12/05

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The gorgeous animation and unique sound with just correctly absurd animation totally sold me on such an island... And the Walrus Pitt. It's easy to tell you changed your mind about certain directions of the film and generally didn't give a fuck about what was next, and it turns out to be brilliant.

Great twist ending.

glad you liked it!

i wouldn't say i changed my mind so much as made it up as i went along!

That was so utterly amazing, my mouth was open the whole time. No, honestly, REALLY amazing. Gooseman's return was simply, simply




I'm so lost for words, I'm not even capable of leaving a proper review, stunned as I am.

Anyway, I'm not sure how you manage to top yourself time and time again, but you do, consistently. I reckon that you are, currently, THE best artist releasing movies on NG with some regularity. Yep, even better than someone like Johnny Utah.

And I'm glad to hear that Deathmatch was accepted! It's not your finest work, but it's still miles ahead of most, so you deserve it. Heck, you deserve a lot more, like oodles of cash, adoring fans and rave reviews.


hey, i agree! with your last sentiment anyway. thanks a lot!

I love you.

Dude, everything you make is a cinematic masterpiece. Someone needs to give you a show and a whole team of Korean animator slaves to do your twisted, dirty bidding 24/7.

I can't wait to see what you put out next.

i really couldn't agree with that more!

It was quite delightful with the emphasis on, "wtf?"

I was so happy to see gooseman back but I also miss fernando and hernando very much. Will they be coming back soon?
PS: Pleasure island 2 was EPIC

hernando unfortunately will not - i don't have any scripts that include him that i'm thinking of doing AND my friend Tom who does Hernando's voice has moved to another city so sadly he will not return any time soon.

Fernando features prominently in the film I want to make at the start of next year. Whether I'll get to make it or not I'm not sure yet, but he will be back eventually.

You are my god.

then i command you to give me money!

That was just a ridiculously funny movie; definitely adding you to favorite authors


Lmao I love the way you name your cartoons

The title almost never reveals what the cartoon will be about but YOU STILLKNOW it will be very seedy and silly and fun

hmm that is true, i've never thought of it that way. i guess if i was to accurately title this i'd call it "gooseman searches for the walrus pit", but that's a boring title.

Always amazing work, but careful being -too- random, otherwise I think you'll have some kind of hidden meaning.

Already gave my main review, but a wonderful and fun peace once again.

Just don't lose your voice with all that yelling!

yes i do see some films that are random with no purpose and i did wonder if Pleasure Island 2 would tread over that line...and perhaps it has...

holy cow, gooseman is emoting somewhat. I WAIT IN GREASY PREPARATION.

gooseman demonstrates an impressive range of emotions here. rage, surprise, contempt...actually that's about it.

Yes! My aching thirst for more of your blood and sweat dripping work, has finally been cleansed! Just as I thought I would see the last remarks of Gooseman and keep having to replay the old episodes for the fourth or fifth hundred time each on this ancient MOS 6502; you had heard my cries of disparage and reappeared from down below the sweet cucumber growing soil. I thank you. Keep up the good work and those swf.s are turning out quite mighty fine in that progress blog of yours.

thanks polishmatt,
if i have my way Gooseman, along with Fernando, Mannie, and Sarah McCray will come back next year in an epic space quest...but then i'll only do it if i don't have enough employment to keep me busy so i kinda hope i'll get to make it and kinda hope i won't at the same time.

Mr. Lobster,

Where's the walrus pit?

i'm sorry friend but you'll have to find it yourself. have you looked....in your heart?

YEEEEESSSSSS, i love progress blogs!! :) And i know great destiny man will be awesome, just make sure it's gory ;)

i might have to disappoint you there, he fights three demons but i thought they might have blue or green blood, and i don't know that it will be all that gory.

<a href="http://images.google.com.mx/images?hl=es&q=chris+voigt&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=pA5qSsyBO4aUtgfc1YCUCw&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4">http://images.google.com.mx/images?hl =es&q=chris+voigt&um=1&ie =UTF-8&ei=pA5qSsyBO4aUtgfc1YCUCw&
amp;sa=X&oi=image_result_group&am p;ct=title&resnum=4</a>

can you tell which one of those goons is me? actually it says "animator" so that makes it easy.

yO, SuP biTCHE. dIS iS teHDe SHiTE. hE wANNa sTiCK hIS diCk iN yoU sHAhaHAA at4335i0 fb45,l;kI#$)DGM$)(It043ty43

hi there.

I gotta say. Gooseman looks suspiciously like John Lennon. Maybe he arrived on Pleasure Island after his death... Just maybe...

i never saw john lennon with aviators...or with hair like gooseman's. actually, sorry, but i can't see it.

it was terrific. best part of my day. except for the whole NG meet comiccon thing going on right now. this was the best part of my 20 minutes i've been home. excellent work.

oh right, are you in the US then? enjoying your holiday?

I just watched it... was that Goose Man? All those spleens in one easy to carry bag and he didn't take them? Wtf?

i don't think there's much of a market for tiger spleens outside of that one crazy scientist.

<a href="http://img35.imageshack.us/i/manbody.png/">http://img35.imageshack.us/i/manbody.
You planned this didnt you

hahaha yeh i noticed that too, no that was not planned it is just a beautiful coincidence.

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