Where cartoons go to die.




Joined on 4/12/05

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thats amazing. could've used a one or two more fake clips though.

i want great destiny man like Captain Manlove wants a greasy, mullet'd sidekick

captain manlove has no less than five mulleted sidekicks, each greasier than the last.

6:42 <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9QmxZbTlJw">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9QmxZ bTlJw</a>
^---please tell me there will be Rocket jetpack penguins also

great flash dude


there will be now!

Haha, how do you make me laugh more in half a minute than most full animations?

A: Witchcraft

NO its wizardry! i'm a man, damnit!

Great Destiny Man! it looks great, the blog was interesting.


Are you serious?
wow i inspired an animator ^_^

good luck bro


uh well i should be clear that its not a film i'm actually going to make, its a completely fake trailer, i meant that when spielberg throws millions at me to write the script i'll throw some jetpack penguins in there for the lulz

you the man!!

or crustacean....

amphibian, actually.

and dont forget about the spoils you shall claim when it happens : o

You're fucking hilarious, Sexual Lobster! You're by far one of my favorite flash artists. Tell me, how long did it take you to make this?

thankyou kindly. its hard to say really, i made it over several chunks of time, working on another film in between. suffice it to say TOO LONG.

i love you

Is it just me or does this trailer seem like it would become a low budget Dreamworks movie?

But in all seriousness, your ability to put a huge, dorky grin on my face because of a 30 second video is simply amazing.

glad you liked it!

low budget in the US = extremely high budget here in Australia. GIVE ME MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm surprised they don't force you to get examined for the crazy stuff you submit to them.

Anyway, love the trailer, I'd watch that movie totally if you made it. Great Destiny Man looks excellent as well.

Perhaps the pit was created by a bear crashing a missile, and the walruses were added later. They didn't mention that in the brochure!

reading your comment i suddenly realised i haven't given any thought to how the bear would actually dismount from the missile without plunging to its death.

No Halloween flash from you this year?

no halloween flash from me any year. its not a big deal here in australia

great destiny man looks promising!

thanks, i've been working on it for ages so i'll be glad to finally get it out there

saving the presbearterian church from neo-berserkers and getting the girl.

"dyaaaaaum i gotta get me wanna those!"

*explosion explosion explosion*

and then you'll be rich. congrats.

iron clad promise: there will be no less than seventeen love interests

Everytime your stuff just makes me laugh. I don't know what it is, but there's this refreshing air to it....

i spray all of my work with deoderant

hey buddy, you should have a tv show

i dunno, it took me so long to do this 30 second piece, i would need at least 300 monkeys to crank out enough good material for a show.

I'd probably have more interest in Contra if you could play as a bear.

"unbearable" out next fall
"the most action packe film of the year" the bear times
"so action packed i shat my self twice!" armagedondude24
(super funny! and what would really happen if missiles where surfed by bears?)

i suspect the brave bears in question would die

Very good dispite the lack BAY-splosions. And poor character development. And large breasted women. And Tranforming things. And lazers. And Aliens. But still Great!!!

oh don't worry all of those things will be in the film

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