Where cartoons go to die.




Joined on 4/12/05

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black people

Shit will happen; people will complain for as long as possible to put off having to shut up and deal with it.

Then they'll shut up and deal with it, like they should have done in the first place. Same shit, different year.

thats like predicting the sun will rise tomorrow.

Rapture! Oh wait...

Obama gets a nipple piercing.

Did someone say WW3?
Did anyone say that it'll be caused by the release of Newgrounds Chat?
No, but that doesn't make it any less true.

the world needs more brave men like you to say what needs to be said.

I'll finally get laid by a 3 headed monkey with 2 lobster claw tails

thats a worthy goal, good luck with that.

i love nickelback, expecially Burn It To The Ground, also my prediction is to get awesome grades next year !


You think China will get screwed over if the American economy collapses? They're just waiting for that to happen so they can move in. We pretty much already belong to them what with our trillions of dollars of debt.

i don't think that, no, eammy said that.

i did see a breakdown of us debt, only 1.6 trillion was owed to china, out of 15 or so.

I predict i will become a global fuck'a'spot - it aint good leaving myself for Poland only

im not sure what a fuck'a'spot is but good luck with that.

I suppose i get my chemical licence so i can build some nasty stuff in my bathroom like the ultimate yoghurt n stuff...

2012 - year of ultimate yoghurt. you heard it here first!!!!

btw happy new year from germany, here it is allready 3:47 am :P

same to you, here its 1pm.

Nickleback and Matchbox-20 are making a comeback i know it.

god yes ive been waiting

I predict I will learn a new way to fap, and it will usher in a new era of something.

pics or lies

I will predict that your Animations will get even more Sexual :) or at least its a hope

considering what went on this year, they'll probably get a little less sexual actually.

I'll prolly just masturbate.


I predict Sexual-Lobster will bring out my inner depravities with more amazing Flash animations.

pretty safe bet on that one

"considering what went on this year, they'll probably get a little less sexual actually."

:( so that means less pelvic thrusting, well can i at least expect another Great Destiny Man :) fucking love those animations must have watched them like 50 times.

probably not tbh, GDMs take aaaages to make, maybe another one towards the end of the year but they'll have to be shorter in future, the last one was just too massive.

I predict that you will get bird eggs. :)

fuck i hope so

The mighty Platypus army, a terrifying and horrific sight to behold, will finally enter it's final duel with the accursed Fungi ranks and the fate of Earth and the Universe will at last be decided...

yeh all this universe uncertainty is playing out badly on the markets, we need certainty damnit!

my prediction is a vague one of sorts...

balance will be restored, an unquestionable act of selfless love will be expressed by such a human, and sadness and joy will befall the witnesses of such noble triumph.

if you develop that right, get sean penn and meryl streep on board you'll get an oscar for sure

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