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Angry Dog Episode 6 is up!

Posted by Sexual-Lobster - October 4th, 2008

Hey guys,

Check out Angry Dog - Lizard Dome, it's the second last one! That's assuming Episode 7 ever comes out, I finished it over 3 weeks ago but Aniboom is sitting on it to further their mysterious, slightly magical agenda which I'm willing to bet is somehow intertwined with Bigfoot and the Bermuda Triangle, perhaps both, PERHAPS Big Foot has finally harnessed a sea monster worthy of his greatness and somehow got in contact with Aniboom and together they're plotting something salty!?!

While I AM concerned about Bigfoot, I have been assured that Episode 7 will be coming in good time, but whether that be good man-time or good Bigfoot time time will tell. The real question is whose time will be telling time, THAT is what I'm sweating on. What if we adopted Bigfoot's calendar? Our society could crumble in seconds... So enjoy Lizard Dome and try not to watch the clock.

Angry Dog Episode 6 is up!


man you really need to work on your story writing s:

i guess i do in the sense that you can only ever improve at something completely subjective like writing, but as far as this episode goes i'd suggest you didn't like it and have somehow interpreted that as a lack of ability on my part rather than a mismatching of expectations or aesthetic predispositions. either that or you didn't understand that this is the first part of a two-episode story arc and that the story continues in episode 7.

I love lizards. GOOD WORK!

thanks! show me a person who doesn't love lizards and i'll show you a lizard in a human suit with nothing but seething contempt for his brethren...

I understand what loath-some is saying...
Only a few animations of yours i would consider having a beginning, middle and end so certainly the structural integrity of your stories is fractured. Given i understand that your stories are more situational recounts...like someone recalling their day....there isnt much of a point to those in general so this type of story telling lacks impact. Moreso than that though is the warping of a monotonous story telling paradigm with anthropomorphic characters and personality traits....one would initially believe the concept to liven up the story but moreso it brings it down by further distancing the viewer from the source material.

To summarize i'd say you would have to be an American or European animal who has lived at least 5 years in Australia and has a love of quirky yet personal stories to enjoy your series.

i disagree that my stories are situational recounts, i can only think of one that would fit that category, and the use of the word integrity is misplaced, and i think the series has satisfied enough viewers that your last statement is incorrect.

I have NO idea what you just said.



i agree, sooner or later it will engulf us all!

that is a great episode, but 7 has been taking its tiiiiiiiiimeeeeeeeeeeee....:(
btw you're now my no.1 fav artist on NG, if that means anything to you, i don't think it will :)

sure it does, thanks a lot! i agree ep 7 has taken way too long, i think people who were following it on youtube have lost interest by now, i hope they don't keep it too much longer.

You know... I'll bet that within two years you will have convinced enough popularity to make a businessman bring out a line of authentic, latex lizard tails, it'll be the new hula hoop, or parachute pants... or pogs (remember those?)

i hope this comes to pass, that is certainly in my top 5 goals. if i fail at the other four but succeed in this i will have achieved something great.

One time I sucked six in a row (six in a row)
One time I sucked six dirty dicks in a row.

One time I got my kicks with Joe and I sucked his dick and five of his friends in a row. (in a row)

are you a chick?

awesome but i already saw it on aniboom. sweet episode. i love angry dog.


I am just about to view your movie! I hope it's good!

Your animations are GOD LIKE good you should have a TV show i would watch it.

heheh thanks!

Godforbid the writer expects the reader to bring something to the table while watching their piece. Your misconstruing lack of writing skill with subtlety and expecting the viewer to bring some aspect of their life into the story and in that way give it meaning. Most of Hemingway's short stories don't have a beginning middle or end, but its hard to argue he lacks writing skill.
Not comparing you to Hemingway but there are lots of different writing styles and just because it doesn't follow the general formula for drama or linear flow doesn't make it bad it, it's just different.
You're entitled to your opinion but you should phrase what you're saying carefully, just because you don't like it or appreciate it doesn't make it bad.

yes! i like most people have watched 3 act structures with bad guys and love interests since birth, i don't see the need to ape the formula every single time.

Also <3 been checking aniboom's site for episode 7 weekly =)

*sigh* so have i

the animation in this one is slick. great job.


your stuffs rad


This is my favorite one yet. I can't wait for the rebellion in the 7th. (there will be a rebellion, you know i'm right)

well i won't give anything away, hopefully it won't disappoint!

aw not ANOTHER angry dog! ANOTHER ANGRY FUCKING DO- Oh wait. i love these. keep it up Chris!

heheh only one more to go!

Your one of my favorite animators around, your art skills and humor are both great.

thanks v much!

I thought you kind of jumped the shark a few times, but this was a bit too much.
Loved it though.

thats a little obscure for me, i'm not sure what jumping a shark symbolises

YEAH AWESOME WOOHOO i finaly found the penny i lost last week but now to this comment i tried to read it but after a second i lost track tried to read what others wrote but again lost... WTF ITS NOT AN PENNY ITS MY LEFT SMALL FINGER... now where was i good job like your humor this episode is good like the others but not better then be my bitch my... fuck im bleedin dont get what they mean with story writing wow i have like 7000 words left

time for some space keep it up how r ur wife and kids wow its 3 o clock in the morning
good night or morning or happy christmas/jesus birthday
oooooooh just one hint never take pills to keep you up at midnight no mater what your friends say it seriously hurts

thanks for the advice.

Fancy making a morph as part of One Big Morphing Orgasm?

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/463146">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /463146</a>

It's been a while since tacos, and I bet you're hungry for a little morph on morph action.

heheh looks fun, i've got stuff on atm though so i'll have to pass. have you seen an older flash of mine space duck? its got even more morphs than tacos.

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