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Great Destiny Man

Posted by Sexual-Lobster - February 8th, 2010

Hello! How are you? I am well.

Great Destiny Man is my graduate film for my animation course. I have been sitting on it for a while because I was told that the Uni planned to mail it out to film festivals, some of which require that they be the first screening of the film and that it not be available elsewhere. Today I found out that they are indeed mailing it to a list of festivals, but that none of them stipulate that the film not have been shown anywhere else, so that means I can finally upload it! I think I've been talking about it for so long that I've built it up too much, really it's quite short and it's just an action scene with a few jokes thrown in.

The flash version is actually a little different from the video version. I had to simplify some backgrounds and take out some camera moves and multi-plane effects because they were a little too much for Flash to handle properly. Hopefully it will play smoothly for everyone. Let me know if it doesn't.

Also, if anyone is interested, I kept a progress blog while making Great Destiny Man. It was an assessment requirement!

Some of you may remember Gooseman, Manny and Fernando from a few years back (although Gooseman did appear recently in Pleasure Island 2). I've started a comic called "Cat Stab" featuring them for something a little different, I'm enjoying a small break from animation and it's been pretty fun to work on a comic again.

Great Destiny Man


oh lourde. you included background music to your comics. amazing. now while i read i finally can finally use my other hand for what it has been destined for all this time.

massaging your goiter?

...apologies if you actually have a goiter. i didn't know.

I quite enjoyed the way Great Destiny Man ran away.

i found that one of the hardest bits to do actually.

My god I am so happy to see a new cartoon, it looks so fucking clean, detailed and amazingly well animated! Thank you, great job, if you didn't get an A you should burn down your college.

haha thanks ixintro i got a good mark so the fire can stay in my pocket for now.

it wasn't your place to know, but you have done me a great service regardless

if not massaging your goiter then wha- oh......let us never speak of this again.

I love you

i...um...love you too, emanhattan.

Lolol I hope you burn in a pit of cobras. Ha ha ha! The cobras would burn as well you stupid bitch.


That "loooong time" was worth it cuz it looks like a professional piece of fine art. Great job!

thanks v much pegosho!

he has beautiful long feminine fingers, I like that

and a long ponytail as well. but that's just the way he rolls he's like totally into girls.

Don't forget his thick eyebrows Boogley.

"HAHA the cobras would burn too, you stupid bitch!"

Fucking classic. the movie was just really a short fight scene with some jokes, but still pretty awesome. time to go read that comic you linked.

yeh pretty much. i don't mess around!

glad to finally see this. kicking rad.

hope it was worth the wait!

but lets be honest, it probably wasn't...

I hope if you ever go pro, you know, get on television, that you broadcast your shows in the US. Your animation style is among my favorites, and I would hate to have to Youtube your cartoons, or whatever else you do.

that would be a dream come true! but realistically, i'd be lucky to even work on someone else's show.

What was your animation course like? I'm doing the closest thing I could find to an animation course in Perth and its not all that.

that's a shame! my course was generally good, but certainly it's a case of getting out of it what you put in. being a university course there was a lot of theory attached, and some of it was really good and some was tacked on, but the majority of the practical courses were good.

Do I even have to say it? I mean, it's come to a point that after each and every one of your animations, I can just bleat out praise and more praise... and this movie is no exception, Chris, even if it isn't crazy-amesomely brilliant as some of your other stuff.

You <are> the chosen one!

Anyway, hope you do well in the festivals, although, sadly and in my experience, they don't appreciate your sort humour as much as they should!

haha thanks vert! i wish i was chosen for something, at the moment i'm sitting around drawing comics and being unemployed.

i haven't been to many festivals so i don't know. two of the festivals they're sending GDM to are in my home town so i will get to see the audience reaction here at least. it got a big laugh at the uni screening night so as long as people are entertained i don't mind in the likely event it doesn't win stuff.

your starting to look like you may even rival the great adam philips!

your work couldn't have been better!

l8s man

i have a sneaking suspicion adam still achieves greater results with less exertion on his part. i have a long way to go, especially when it comes to drawing natural scenes.

steven seagall?!


I like how you draw hands

thanks, they're one of the hardest body parts and i've practiced them heaps. i wish i was as good as drawing feet.

Great Destiny Man= Steven Seagal

your equation is incorrect, let me show you

Great Destiny Man > Steven Seagal

I've been waiting so long for this and it couldn't have come out more brilliantly. If you don't get an A then your professor needs to find their own burning pit of cobras to jump into.

Any Pleasure Island 3 updates?

thanks recoomeboom!

yes i got a very good mark for this, so the cobras are staying in the closet. for now.

i've actually done quite a lot on PI3 but i've taken a break for a while. it will get there some day...

I probably say this every time, but your work just gets better and better.

Keep it up.

thanks v much!

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