Pleasure Island 3 is part one of a three part story about Fernando the Squidhunting Manwhore, a former crack addict on the mend whose only desire is to fight squid.
But what happens when he encounters a genetically engineered Walrus that can shoot LASERS OUT OF ITS MOUTH???? HMM???
So yeh... most of the cast of Pleasure Island 2 makes a return, but really you don't have to have seen the earlier episodes, but they probably would help set the scene a little.
Does anyone remember Fernando? He hasn't made an appearance on Newgrounds for 3 years, but I'm hoping a few people still remember him.
I would prefer to see Fernando's partner in crime Robin in an a new animation, but Fernando's man-whoring does bring back good (slightly disturbing) memories. and Gooseman basically is robin, so I got my fix there... also, fucking awesome backgrounds! this is the first time I really noticed and thought "DAMN!"
what if Fernando found a Trident? That's like a triple-harpoon!
robin and gooseman are pretty much the same, yeh, that's why i phased him out. just imagine gooseman went through a bleached blonde phase.
that's a good idea, some kind of magical, herpes-curing trident!