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Australian election: Censorship.

Posted by Sexual-Lobster - August 21st, 2010

Although for a while I was bragging about being a prophet because the events depicted in Parliament Deathmatch more or less came to pass, I wasn't prepared to put any sort of prediction in writing before yesterday's election. But I actually thought a narrow Labor victory was likely.

It looks as though there will be a hung parliament but at the moment the Coalition has two more confirmed seats and has actually won the popular vote. It appears that there was large swing against Labor amongst younger voters on the issue of internet censorship, and since it came so close to winning in so many seats, its not unreasonable to say that they might have gotten over the line in a few more seats and therefore had a greater chance of forming a minority government if it wasn't for their plans to censor the internet.

So i'm confident we've escaped that noose, for a few more years anyway.


Hopefully, the Australian will realize that the internet is not the property of any person, state, or group and get on to more important issues.


^ Australian Government I meant.

Oh yeah.. Shit. You are kind of a prophet.

if labor form a minority government i may still be right about this one!

but if not i don't really care. a pox on both their houses.

If your that sick of australia then move to England or the United States?

The australian babes must be really hot if your not going anywhere.

i'm not sick of australia at all! and rereading what i've written i'm not sure how you can get the impression that i'm sick of living here. i just take issue with internet censorship, but that is just one small element of daily life.

If the Liberals manage to get in, I'm moving to someplace very far away.

which particular policy of theirs would cause you to do that?

Actually, given some thought, if any party get's in I'm moving.

wow, you sound disillusioned!

Oh, I think I see the position you are in now. Sorry for misunderstanding! :(

Have they still not sorted out that bloody R18 rating debate yet?

yup, that's still going, i think they recently decided they'd have a 12 month review of what constitutes restricted content.


i don't watch the commercial channels so i haven't been too exposed, but apparently this was an incredibly low spending advertising campaign from both parties.

I just hope that one day we will have a beautiful Australia with faster internet, no censorship, R18+ video game ratings and no idiots in charge (specifically referring to Tony Abbott.)

at least there is recognition from both sides that the internet infrastructure is crap here, so no matter who wins there will be *some* improvement. can't be too positive about the other things.

so Mr prophet...

what does the future hold for me as being the 3D animator i am?
(haven't submitted animations yet =P)

success and $$$!!!!

if they censor the internet, i think the backlash will create a starved breed of aussie delinquents that will go mad from their jaded desires going un-placated by the web and create their own REAL PLEASURE ISLAND

so there's always that to look forward to.

ugh...jrr...i didn't consider this. perhaps draconian net censorship is the best thing that could happen?!

one upshot is that there would be a huge spike in demand for just-shy-of-illegal entertainment, a demand i would only be too happy to supply...

To me it came down to who I hated the least (which was Liberal). However I am almost certain Labor will end up winning just because Gillard is a "woman". Load of shit.

i've heard that a lot, i think for a lot of people it was the same, but there's always a third option (the greens)

Talk is cheap when you can make an animation about it and end up predicting a slightly obvious future.

i'm not actually sure what you mean by that

you should make more cartoons with a sexual lobster

i made that series for aniboom, who actually owns those characters, so if i made more i wouldn't own the product.

ahh Australia a land of sexual splendor and political intrigue

i am easily the most sexual thing in this country, just wanna put that out there.

Censorship is for deranged pussies! Plus, I would miss one of my favorite artists on NG. Without you, I'm lost.

haha don't worry even if it was made law newgrounds would not be on the blacklist.

and it would have been easy to get around anyway. the biggest problem i had with it was the power it would give the government, and that they would increase restrictions in the future. someone like me who owns a website might have eventually been required to have an R18+ disclaimer on my site and pay the government a fee just to own a website.



Ohhhh, so that's why there was such a swing.

Still, if Tony Abbot got Prime Minister, I would scream. Or think about screaming. For a few seconds.

it was only one small factor in the swing
i'm just saying that, given that it was SO close, if labor had had a stronger youth vote it might have made the difference.

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