that was great, just like the first. i laughed when the sudden intense donkey showed up. we've all been there.
that was great, just like the first. i laughed when the sudden intense donkey showed up. we've all been there.
I know, right? Goddamn donkeys.
I don't have a facebook. Does this make me a selfish child-molestor? Yes, I suppose it does...
Don't have facebook?! No wonder you're so damn productive!!! High-quality animation, child-molestation, AND tending to your beard .... I always wanted to know how you did it!
i like it but i'm sorry weebl this was way too short for me.
i enjoyed it
i don't know guy 2 down i liked the dubstep - is it all free to use, if so that is awesome.
i can see the passion you put in this, keep going, i like this style of film and i'd like to see what you can do with a few years of practice.
'tis all from the audio portal, with permission from the artists. Thanks for the support, lad! Love your toonery.
that was awesome
loved it, great characters, really polished.
Thank you so much! You're one of my personal heroes!
wow, really great background art!
i loved your bizarro nyan cat! at first i thought it was in horrible agony, then it was enjoying itself. WHICH IS IT?? BOTH?? maybe it was happy that it was dying so its agony would finally end.
also, i love the fez guy.
i have a joke for you egoraptor
how do you get pikachu on a bus?
that is all.
that was sad.
nice work RP keep it up!
Don't be sad. I wouldn't be, if I had the sexy man-beard.
Where cartoons go to die.
Joined on 4/12/05